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Jesse's Taste Buds - Summer Corn Chowder

Hey Folks,

After reading my sweet review of this meal, and if you haven't already made it, you can find the recipe in our week 4 meal plan.

Full disclosure, corn on the cob is my jam! My all-time favorite way to make it is by de-husking the corn and wrapping it in tinfoil with butter and seasoning salt. I throw that on the BBQ for 15-ish minutes on medium heat and it comes out just delicious. If I don't have seasoning salt or tinfoil I'll soak the husk in water before grilling the corn in the husk. I try to avoid boiling my corn as much as possible nowadays. I'll tollllllerate frozen or canned corn at a big family dinner but I'll almost never have corn as a side otherwise.

While this corn recipe will never replace my undying love for corn on the cob, it does make eating corn fun in another way. See I'm one those weird people that doesn't crush up crackers into there soup/chowder. Instead, I put a bit of soup on a buttered soda cracker or piece bread (oh, delicious butter) and eat it that way. Because I can now eat corn in chowder form on bread and crackers it gets a extra thumbs up!

Ummm, bacon and onions.

For ingredient selection/preparation Carla suggested a substitute for the bacon - liquid smoke - if someone was so inclined to do so for price, religious or dietary concerns. I've never used, nor heard of, liquid smoke before, but it sounds totally badass. The interwebs tell me that its wood smoke particles distilled into a liquid that packs a lot of flavour. I love bacon so I just used bacon for my recipe, but in the future I would be interested in using liquid smoke to see what it can do for a meal.

For my iteration of the meal I added a fair bit more potato to the recipe because I like having a good amount of leftovers. Also, I didn't have a food processor on hand so I didn't blend a portion of the recipe like the author did. In my opinion, blending a portion probably makes it look a little nicer but not much else. Ssssure, I'm trying to launch a internet based food/recipe company and should have the best photos possible, but as a lowly man trying to hussle on the mean streets of life please forgive my photographic discretion. I promise I'll make it up to you guys when I post later this week about my West Coast Trail trip! I've got some beauties from that trip.

For my dinner party they really liked the consistency of the chowder, but that is easily adjusted depending on personal tastes (i.e. add more flour for a thicker chowder or more water for a thinner broth). On the thick-to-thin scale I would say mine was leaning towards the thinner side. I prefer thinner chowders since Mama Slaunwhite makes the meanest seafood chowder I've ever tasted and she makes it with a really thin broth - but I can assure you its not thin on taste or seafood!

I will definitely make it again in the future since it was easy to make and tasted good as leftovers. I would love to hear what you guys thought of the recipe so feel free to leave your comments below.



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