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Jesse's Taste Buds - Ginger Switchel

For all you week one early adapters of AWESOME SAUCE you get to read along with my Ginger Switchel blog post, bobbing your head completely in-the-know because you also made this exalted drink.

For everyone else you will have to read along enviously because you never made this drink, nor will you every be able to recreate this precise drink recipe that I used because we don't post our exclusive newsletter drink and food recipes. Now you will be forever tormented!!! Always wondering which one of the hundred recipes you can find online was the exact one I used. (Please insert your horrified gasp here) Alas, I am benevolent. Here is the link. But seriously, sign up for our newsletter because you don't want to miss hidden gems like these No-Bake Energy Bites that you would have found in our week 4 newsletter. Okay, onto Ginger Switchel.

So if you want a drink that will l make you do this - then make yourself some Ginger Switchel:

Yes, I can confirm that after 4 Ginger Switchels with a strong 2 fingers of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum per drink you too will be able to do a front flip - its that good. And none of that Lambs Spiced Rum bulls*&#. You'll want to use the good stuff for this one.

But seriously, this is a great summer drink that you can go to when you want to switch it up from your normal summer drink routine (rum & coke - dah!, beer, ginger ale & gin with lime). You'll have your friends commenting about how you're the ultimate summer host/hostess in no time. For those not familiar with ginger (outside of ginger ale) it is used for a wide variety of applications and recipes, but you most likely would have run into it at sushi restaurants because they place it on the side of dishes so you can cleanse your palate; so you don't have to worry about it tasting overbearing or awful. I found that the ginger acted as a mild after taste in this drink. And after 5 of them you'll be smiling awkwardly like this:

Suggestions Whilst Mixing: When you are adding the fresh ginger you should cut off all the outside husk of the ginger because when the husk gets into the drink it slowly deteriorates and you'll get little bits of husk throughout your drink. Also, stick to the guidelines of powered ginger as you want it to act as a pleasant flavour, not an overbearing attention hog.

Let us know what you think on the comments below or on Facebook. I would love to hear stories about your own front flips and love of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum.


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