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AWESOME SAUCE Monetization – Should Your Credit Card be Afraid if you Sign Up?

Carla and I have had multiple people ask, “how are we going to make money with this AWESOME SAUCE website thing?” I’ve even heard it was the topic of discussion at a certain weekly Sunday evening River Road, Terence Bay social event – you know you’ve made it when!

There are only two reasons you will have to pay money:

  • Grocery Pick-Up Service - We will have to charge you money for this service. The details of our three plans can be found AWESOME SAUCE Grocery Delivery Plans. This option is only available in Truro, NS at the moment.

  • Restaurants Partnerships – To get a terrific pre-made meal from one of our great local partners we will charge you ahead of time for the meal and you will just have to pick it up from the restaurant. It’s like Uber, but with delicious food. This option is only available in Truro, NS as well.

Everything else we offer at AWESOME SAUCE is completely free of cost and we promise never to stealthy ask for your credit card information in order to get this free content. If you weren’t already aware, we are currently offering the following:

  • Get our free Newsletter filled with information about what’s going on with AWESOME SAUCE, Weekly Meal Plans, Ingredient Lists, and an Exclusive Drink Recipe that will only be available in the Newsletter. If a Ginger Switchel (ginger, apple cider, honey and water paired with either spiced or dark rum) sounds like a refreshing drink that you would like to try during this summer heat, then signup for our Newsletter!

  • Want to read interesting blog posts about wood shavings in certain brands of grated Parmesan cheese or the greatness of beans – all completely free and found at the Blog Post section of our website.

Now that you know we are offering tons of great free content please tell all your friends and family about AWESOME SAUCE. I’ve listed below a few reasons why a bigger audience helps us:

  • A big audience means that we can negotiate cool partnerships with other companies to offer you exciting deals, promotions and hopefully free stuff - kind of like Oprah, “And you get a free car, and you get a free car, and you get a free car!” But it probably won’t be free cars in the beginning.

  • The more web traffic we get to our Facebook page and Website means that people will find us easier using search engines like Google and Yahoo.

  • Lots of web traffic means that we can make money with ads on the website and newsletter (I know ads suck but that’s one of the only way’s a website can make money when they offer free content; however, if we make enough money on Grocery Pick-Up and Restaurant Partnerships maybe we can keep AWESOME SAUCE completely ad free, but that will be a discussion and decision for the future).

  • When we have an audience with a critical mass that is growing we can afford to invest in a real website that will look better and offer way more functionality (a Wix website is great to start off with but it does have limitations); we can execute on a AWESOME SAUCE franchise model that will expand our reach outside of Truro, NS (more to follow); and maybe, just maybe, we can hire some employees to help take this endeavour to the next level. Carla and I have some ideas of what the next level will be, but please tell us what you think our next level should be.

In summary, for all you people out there who can’t be bothered to read a body of text, we are offering a Grocery Pick-Up and a Restaurant Partnership service that we will charge you money for. Everything else we offer is COMPLETELY FREE and we will never ask for your credit card in order to get the free content. If you like what we are offering, or know someone who might like it, please send them to our AWESOME SAUCE website or Facebook page because a bigger audience makes the future possible.

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