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For $24/week ($96 total)

Each week we plan five (5) delicious dinners.
We pick up the groceries for you to prepare these meals, PLUS, we'll pick up any additional items you may require: toilet paper, garbage bags, box of cookies - whatever!
You meet us in the parking lot, have you groceries loaded into your vehicle & drive away happy.
*Billing: the monthly service plan is billed monthly via credit card or pre-paid in cash. Groceries are paid for seperately when you pick them up from us. Cash and credit cards accepted.

Premium Option

  • This is the package that will probably change your life for the better. BIG. TIME.


    AWESOME SAUCE plans your dinner meals.

    AWESOME SAUCE picks up your groceries, which includes anything you add to your list that can be purchased at the grocery store.


    AMAZING! Now, what are you going to do with all your free time? Binge watch Netflix? I would.



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